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"Dans and Toner gave the pupils an exceptional music experience, combined with dance full of vitality.
"Impulser" was an energetic and fun performance. The artists claimed the pupils unconditional attention".
Telemark Arbeiderblad

"Dans and Toner were right on target! With humour, comic talent and high quality dance,
to music that appeals to young people combined with emotions they recognise.
Dans and Toner brings the art of dance out to those who normally would not attend
this type of performance. This is their aim, and they achieve their aim!"

"Dance and Tones opens the door to the world of dance".


"Alluring dance, pulsating jazz rhythms and hard techno enchanted the students.

Stylish dance by Vidar Hansen/Marit Krogeide and Peter Lodwick's comic
talent turned
Dance and Toner's performance into art for the "masses".
The students' verdict was clear: "We thought it was going to be boring, but it was cool,
fabulous and we were impressed! "

Eidsvoll Blad


"Impulses" was fantastic! This high quality performance engaged the audience.
At last we got the opportunity to experience art at its highest level. We want more!"
Forsand cultural office.

"Thank you so much for a great performance! Fantastic for us to experience artists

of such high quality. The students clearly appreciated the fantastic dance, the music and the humour!"

Råholt U skole

“It was clear from the very beginning that this was something captivating. There was depth and
variety permeating the performance. This contributed to the engagement of the students.
The whole performance was characterized by professional skill”.

Kragerø county

"The artists were superb at creating a contact with the audience. It is rare to see such
an engaged public, they simply would not leave!"
Stranda U skole

"A splendid performance! The school needs such artistry".
Hareid skole

"It was unbelievable to see how these artists got the audience to open their hearts
and become so involved. Excellent!"
Time cultural office