Background Composer Performer Teacher |
Nominated to Norsk
Scenekunstbruks honourprize 2019 |
“Peter Lodwick is a man of
many talents. The composer who can do everything and in
“Peter Lodwick is an incitement to our environment, an injection –
erratic and unrelenting Welsh blood!” VG
“Peter Lodwick’s music lashes
out with its melodies assembled like a musical wedding bouquet.
“The virtuosic music, written and performed by Peter Lodwick, was very seductive at times. His range is overwhelming in
Norwegian context. He moves from Baroque to church music,
“One rarely hears a piece of
music so comprehensive and richly nuanced, which does From Aftenpostens review of “Poems” (received the Norwegian Critics Award)
The music rarely touches you this powerfully in a
dance performance. From Aftenpostens review of "Lille Heidelberg"
Peter Lodwick’s song and music
gave a fantastic setting….I have never before experienced Tønsberg Blads review of “Voluspá”
“Peter Lodwick is a gifted and
dynamic pianist and composer. Both rhythm and From Eva Krøvels review of “Point Counter Point”
“Peter Lodwick’s music fills every fibre in your body!” From Avisen Jarlsbergs review of “Munch – en reise i dans, musikk & billedkunst”
mood of the paintings were underlined by music billowing from the sorrowful
to the Fra Kragerøavisas omtale av “Munch – en reise i dans, musikk & billedkunst”
“Beautiful and enchanting music that struck us right at the heart.” Fra Harstad Tidendes omtale av "Dans for Deg"
“The young audience were spellbound by Peter Lodwick’s high level of music.” From Laagendalspostens review of "Dans for Deg"
“A firework of musical pearls and surprises.” From Dagbladets review of "Hånd i hånd"
“Peter Lodwick’s music is
brilliant and it gives the play an extra dimension. The From Aftenpostens review of "Trollspill"