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Peter Lodwick. Photo: Harald S�ter�yPeter Lodwick

- composer, musician, artistic director

"Peter Lodwick is a unique composer and musician."
Aftenposten (newspaper)

Wikipedia Norway, Sceneweb Norway

Peter Lodwick was born in Neath - South Wales. His
music interest showed at a young age performing as a pianist and cellist with the National Youth Orchestra of Wales. After receiving multiple Glamorgan scholarships, Peter studied piano, voice and cello at The Royal Academy of Music, London. On leaving college Peter became a member of The Doyle Carte Opera Company while still pursuing his piano career. Martha Graham invited him to work with her company and thus he began composing for dance. Parallel to this he received increasing recognition as a pianist. Peter was then invited to Norway by the director of the Norwegian Opera. He has since lived in Norway.

Peter has composed music for many theatre performances at the National Theatre, Oslo New Theatre, The Norwegian Theatre, Rikstheatre and Norwegian Television. Peters works have been performed at Edinburgh Festival, Avignon Festival, Harstad Festival. He has composed for several of the modern dance groups in Norway and the Norwegian National Ballet.
Published CD
Music for Ballet Class, Vol 1 and Music for Ballet Class, Vol 2, orchestrated class CDs to inspire. Also published CDs Music for Modern Dance Class and Moments

As a performing artist Peters career became increasingly oriented towards performances for younger audiences. This work resulted in the foundation of
the groups Brobyggere, Stage Productions and Dans & Toner. "I saw there was a need for a professional touring company that could tailor dance performances for a younger audience. So far the only touring organisations in the country represented theatre and music. Dance was virtually unknown." Peter has composes and toured for Dans & Toner for more than 25 years.

Peter has developed his own rhythm and improvisation technique,
Lodwick technique. The technique has been part of the curriculum at the National Academy of the Arts for more than 25 years. Also part of the curriculum at Bårdar Dance Academy, Oslo for more than 1
4 years.

Peter also works with photography and design. See
Peter Lodwick Productions


Nominated to Norsk Scenekunstbruks honourprize 2019


“Peter Lodwick is a man of many talents. The composer who can do everything and in
addition plays
live. His composition suits the message. He is sentimental, discreet and
attentive; he can hold back, he can give.”

From Klassekampens review of "Eva - fortellinger om kjærlighet"

“Peter Lodwick is an outstanding genius who can contribute immensely to our cultural life if he
gets the opportunity to unfold his talent in Norway.”

Brunvoll, General Director of the Norwegian National Opera & Ballet


“Peter Lodwick is an incitement to our environment, an injection – erratic and unrelenting Welsh blood!”



“Peter Lodwick’s music lashes out with its melodies assembled like a musical wedding bouquet.
With force, rhythm, raw, almost brutal power which in the next second becomes calm melodies,
the sweet song of the mind.”

Arbeiderbladets review of “En gutts lykke”


 “The virtuosic music, written and performed by Peter Lodwick, was very seductive at times.

His range is overwhelming in Norwegian context. He moves from Baroque to church music,
country & western and akin to Kitaro. Serene and deafening, playful and longing. Both emotional and
composed in an attractive coalescence.

Klassekampens review of “Poems” (received the Norwegian Critics Award)



“One rarely hears a piece of music so comprehensive and richly nuanced, which does
not only create an atmospheric soundscape for the dance, but which also has a direct
dialogue going with the dancer and becomes an actuation in the play. Peter Lodwick has not
only created good music for the stage, but music you want to hear again.”

From Aftenpostens review of “Poems” (received the Norwegian Critics Award)


Musicgenius! The music rarely touches you this powerfully in a dance performance.
Lodwick kept to a theme: subtle variations on tango, a dash of waltz, but always the
recurring. The vulnerable, emotional tone of longing and hope touched the audience,
simultaneously as it enhanced or contrasted the intense play and the dancing on the floor.”

From Aftenpostens review of "Lille Heidelberg"


Peter Lodwick’s song and music gave a fantastic setting….I have never before experienced
having trouble stopping the applause in order to thank…an exceptionally rich
and vibrant art experience that went straight to our heart.”

Tønsberg Blads review of “Voluspá”


“Peter Lodwick is a gifted and dynamic pianist and composer. Both rhythm and
melodies are brilliantly handled.”

From Eva Krøvels review of “Point Counter Point”


“Peter Lodwick’s music fills every fibre in your body!”

From Avisen Jarlsbergs review of “Munch – en reise i dans, musikk & billedkunst”


”The mood of the paintings were underlined by music billowing from the sorrowful to the
wondrously optimistic. This has to be experienced far across the borders of Norway!”

Fra Kragerøavisas omtale av “Munch – en reise i dans, musikk & billedkunst”


“Beautiful and enchanting music that struck us right at the heart.”

Fra Harstad Tidendes omtale av "Dans for Deg"


 “The young audience were spellbound by Peter Lodwick’s high level of music.”

From Laagendalspostens review of "Dans for Deg"


“A firework of musical pearls and surprises.”

From Dagbladets review of "Hånd i hånd"


Peter Lodwick’s music is brilliant and it gives the play an extra dimension. The
combination of the music and the authenticity of the Norwegian fairy tales
makes the performance a true experience.”

From Aftenpostens review of "Trollspill"