In the performance "Visjoner" (Visions) we meet three art forms: music, pictorial art
and dance.
Six very different choreographers have each made their dance
inspired by Norwegian pictorial
art. Some have
been inspired by the energy of the painting, some by the form and some by
subject matter. The choreographers are very different both in
personality, work methods and
experience, something we see reflected in the
dances they have created. The composer has
had an ongoing dialog with the
choreographers, so that the music also encompasses a wide
range of styles.
The current pictures are: Edvard Munch "Gallopping Horse" and "The Sun",
Hellesen "Composition", Gunnar S. Gundersen "Fan", Anthony Lewis "Birds"
(computer art).
Peter Lodwick
Tim Rushton,
Antonio Ferraz, Lise Ferner,
Katrine Bølstad,
Merete Lingjærde,
Marit Krogeide
Alm, Merete Vold, Marit Krogeide
performance brought beauty to the everyday life in school. We are grateful
you present performances for young people with such a high artistic value. An
combination of pictures, dance and music that gave great inspiration.
"Visions" had
energy, humour and seriousness and
captivated the audience in an impressive way".
Borre county
wonderful, fantastic! I will never forget this performance"
Girl 16 år, Gimle skule Fyresdal