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A Circle within a spiral

 Guro Rimeslåtten, Nina Braathen, Christer Tornell. Photo: Peter Lodwick

Three choreographers and one composer present their vision of the circle of life.
One story - three storytellers.

The Spiral represents mankind search for knowledge, meaning and awareness.
The Circle represent the march of time. The choreographers each have their own
contemporary style, but work together in producing continuity. The choreography range from
the absurd to the lyrical. The musical style varies from the neo classical to comtemporary.

Supported by Norwegian Art Council and Fund for Performing Artists.
Premiere 2003

Choreography: Terje Tjøme Mossige, Hege Tvedt, Lise Ferner
Peter Lodwick
Dancers: Guro Rimeslåtten, Nina Braathen, Christer Tornell

Guro Rimeslåtten, Nina Braathen, Christer Tornell. Photo: Peter Lodwick     Guro Rimeslåtten, Nina Braathen, Christer Tornell. Photo: Peter Lodwick


Photo: Peter Lodwick